ALL children and vulnerable adults MUST be accompanied by a PARENT / GUARDIAN OR remain with the member at ALL times unless agreed otherwise.

ALL Parents / Guardians/ Adult Carers MUST remain in the Spectator Area whilst their swimmer is in the water.

If Blackpool Council cannot provide the agreed number of swimming teachers due to sickness / absenteeism then lessons may have to be cancelled at short notice. Blackpool Polar Bears is not responsible for such failures, but we will try our utmost to contact you when circumstances like this arise.

For health and safety reasons all members must REGISTER ON ARRIVAL at each Swimming session. ALL swimmers MUST be punctual for their lessons. If members arrive more than 10 minutes late then they will NOT be allowed to swim.

If a member is UNABLE to attend the weekly session then their absence should be notified to the Chair or Membership Administrator on the numbers provided.

If a member fails to attend for 4 consecutive weeks, WITHOUT a genuine reason (prolonged sickness, holiday etc) and without notification, then they will not be allowed to swim and their membership may be terminated.

ANY changes in the personal information such as: ADDRESS, HOME AND MOBILE TELEPHONE NUMBERS, MEDICATION AND BEHAVIOURAL PATTERNS, must be notified to the Membership Administrator.

Blackpool Polar Bears have a Public Liability Insurance Policy, If personal insurance cover is required then this must be arranged separately by the member or their parent, guardian or responsible carer.

Blackpool Polar Bears, operate an “Incident and Behavioural Book” run in conjunction with Blackpool Council Guidelines. If a member is involved in an incident with any member of staff / volunteer or other member, then the swimmer will be removed from their lesson immediately and the incident recorded. The Chair or Vice Chair (Swimming and Social Committee) will determine the severity of the incident.

If the incident is MINOR a written warning will be issued following discussion with the member and their parent / guardian / adult carer.

If the incident is MAJOR or a member receives 3 written warnings within a year then this will be brought to the attention of the Swimming and Social Committee and Trustees.

Under these circumstances members will not be allowed to swim and their membership may be terminated.